Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I drank 8 glasses yesterday.


Unknown said...

Good Job! you know what i do when i am having a hard time remembering my water. i get a 64oz container of (gatorade usually) and get that drank up and use it for my fridge. I fill it in the morning and if it is empty by the end of the day I know I got my water. you probably already do this or whatever works for you but just thought i would share that w/you!

The DeVito's said...

Thanks Brandi! I've got a bottle that is 24 oz that I carry with me, something in my fridge, I'd never remember and I'd probably eat all the time I needed water. :D

Anonymous said...

Yay, Holly!! Does it count if it's Crystal Light???

Anonymous said...

Great job! I notice that if I keep that bottle that I have (just like yours) full of water - it's much easier to drink water through out the day. I'm not good about filling a glass and drinking one at a time.

My sister, Shaleah, has a HUGE bottle that is all the water you are supposed to drink in a day. She fills it up with water and ice in the morning and drinks it all day at work.

The DeVito's said...

I think it does count Steph. It just needs to be liquid. I think milk counts too.

Melissa Hernandez said...

I need to take this challenge too! I know, I lost tons of wait the first 2 weeks, and these last 4 pounds aren't going anywhere, on top of the 4 I need to loose like 15 more, so bring on the mommy challenge. Why can't our metablism get stronger with age, a 2 year old doesn't need metabolism they just run around in circles all day, it seems a little bass ackwards to me!!

Alyson said...

Awesome! Now today, drink 9...