Sunday, September 7, 2008

I amaze myself!

This having a kid and hanging out with Mormon girls is making me quite domestic! I had some bananas that were going bad, 3 months ago I would have thrown them away. . . today I make banana bread! Can you believe it? I've never made banana bread in my life. I must admit, I actually liked doing it. I put it in little muffin tins and made almost bite size muffins and one loaf of bread. If I would have had nuts or chocolate chips it would have made it better.

The other thing I started doing today was clipping coupons. Stephanie "I wish I had a gall bladder" used to call and tell me all her great deals she would save by shopping with coupons. I never had the desire to do it, because I never had nor wanted a ton of food in my house, well, now I feel like I need food in my house. Plus, with the economy with the way it is right now, we could definitely use the money saved. So today I bought two papers and clipped the coupons. I've got my list and tomorrow I'm headed out to buy a few things. It starts out slow, because I don't have many of the coupons for what's on sale. I'll let you know how it goes. I went to Wal-greens today and saved about $15 and spent $30. Tomorrow I'm hitting Target and Safeway.

Today I'm grateful for banana bread, tomorrow I'll probably be grateful for coupons! :)


Courtni said...

Go Holly! Funny how the maternal instinct kicks in...just wait--a year from now you will be amazed at just how many things you do that you didn't used to!

Krysta said...

That's awesome! I love banana bread. Sometimes when I'm lazy and don't feel like making banana bread right away, I'll freeze my bananas. I have a big bag in my freezer right now...maybe I'll do that this week.

I want to know how it goes with the coupons. Stephanie ALMOST had me clipping coupons a little while ago. Maybe you will inspire me to do the same thing!

Stephanie said...

Way to go! you are amazing!

Alesa Larsen said...

I can't beleive it! Miracles do happen. I am going to make Banana today, maybe I will make muffins too. yummy!!

Anonymous said...

That just cracks me up because yesterday I made Banana Bread too. So fun! I love that we have that affect on you! =o)

Alyson said...

Yum, that is one of my favorites. I tend to eat it hot right out of the oven with lots of butter...not so good for the waistline! And I LOVE chocolate chips in it! Reminds me of a banana split.
As for the coupons, I go through spurts. I'll clip way too many, and forget to use them before they expire, or will forget to give them to the checker until after she's already totaled the order. A work in progress!

whitney said...

Look at you go being all domestic! Banana bread is the best...I just wish the bananas stuck around long at my house to make it with them :P