Monday, September 1, 2008

Desperate Housewives?

Not desperate, domestic.

For anyone that really knows me, knows that my domestic skills are closer to Susan's than Bree's. If there is something to be burnt, or broken, I do it. Well, I have a couple of friends that are MUCH closer to the Bree side of domesticity, so they are training me, much to Frank's pleasure. Last week not only did I go make hair bows for Bella (okay, really I separated the beads and organized them, and Stefanie made the bows, that's a minute detail), but I also went to Heather's house with Stefanie and they taught me how to can. Okay, you can get up off the floor and start breathing again!

If you see in the picture with the finished product, there are also some fruits and veggies, I also went to the grocery store. Again, breathe deeply and you won't pass out.


Nicole said...

way to go- now can you come over and teach me how to can?

Krysta said...

Good job! Looks yummy! :) It's fun to see your hard work in those cans. Kinda' makes you not want to eat any and save them!

Anonymous said...

I love it! It was so much fun hanging out with you guys. Lets do it again soon.

Unknown said...

I have canned a bit this year and it is not as hard as it looks. And it is really quite rewarding. Don't you think. Your pints looked great. Good Job!

Alyson said...

OK, I'm totally impressed, and totally jealous. Way to go!

Heather said...

That was a fun day! Now we need to do some pears!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Holly! Your jars look beautiful (I think that is part of the reward). I am super-impressed!

Chambers Clan said...

Go Holly! I learned how to do jelly, peaches and pears last year and what fun! Except that my back killed the next day;)

whitney said...

Verrrry impressive. Now don't all those jars look all pretty lined up like that? Well worth it, I'd say (then again, that's coming from someone who hasn't canned her entire adult life;).