I know I shouldn't be happy about it, but I am. Bella absolutely REFUSES to take a pacifier and acts like I'm poisoning her when I try to put it in her mouth. Today, she finally got her hands to her mouth for an extended period of time. She was so happy about it!
Christmas Tree
11 years ago
So cute, she is getting so big. Oh and Payton is hooked to his binky. He did discover his thumb last week though, I'm not a fan of thumb sucking but he looks so cute when he does it.
Yeah, I am so glad that she figured out how to suck on something besides you.
How cute is she?!! She is such a beautiful baby! I love the outfit. She looked so content sucking her hands; that is so sweet.
Yay for hand-sucking! I suppose in the long run it means you have to watch her a little closer 'cause of choking, but the comfort perk is priceless.
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