Monday, March 16, 2009

more garden pictures

Here's the little tiny lettuce leaves. So cute!
Here's my little girl! She was having lots of fun helping me in the garden!
I couldn't post all the pictures in the last post, for some reason.


Alabama Apples said...

What a doll! I'm jealous about your garden. I have wanted a garden for years, but I seem to have a black thumb. All my green plants die. Seriously, poor tomato plants last year...three someone gave me and 2 I bought from the store...uggh! Hooray for you and your beautiful garden!!!

The DeVito's said...

Liberty, don't be too jealous, yet. We have to see if anything really grows. Just because I planted it, doesn't mean it will do much. Did you do planter boxes or in the ground?

Courtni said...

coupons and gardening? my, you are domestic :-) so many things you can teach me when i get back to cali!

Kylene said...

Your garden looks great! I am so excited to do one this year. I have been researching the square foot garden for the past few weeks and just bought Mel Bartholomew's book! Can't wait to read it. Send any tips my way. This will be my first try!

The DeVito's said...

Thanks, Kylene! Did you buy the revised copy or the original? I heard the original is better. I haven't purchased yet, I've just been looking online.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I am super-duper impressed. Look at you!! I wish that I could get my act together and plant a garden. *sigh* Well, I do grow a pretty mean Impatient. ;) Good for you!
BTW...your daughter is bea.ut.iful. (i think i tell you that always...well, 'cause she is.:)

whitney said...

What cute little leaves! I always get all pumped up and plant flowers in the spring...and then water them only sporadically at best :P

Maybe one day I'll be as cool as you and actually attempt to grow real plants from scratch :)