Monday, March 16, 2009

Green Thumb?

We finally got our act together and got a garden planted this year! I'm very excited about it. Last year we planted a few strawberry plants and a tomato and they did pretty well, for just being stuck in the ground. This year we decided to make boxes and not deal with our nasty soil.
Here is the view of the three boxes that we made. As you can see, we don't have a lot of space. We planted one box in rows and with regular gardening soil and no compost. Then Alesa introduced me to Square Food Gardening. I did some research on it and we did the other two boxes with those theories. I used 50% compost and 50% vegetable soil in one and 25% vegetable soil, 25% gardening soil and 50% compost in the other one. It's going to be an experiment to see which on turns out better.
Here's what the boxes look like before we planted anything in them.
Here are our tomatoes, snow peas, celery. We also planted radish, carrots, and beans (all seeds).
This is the original box we did. It has lettuce and fennel in it. I'm VERY excited, there are little leaves already showing. This morning there were only about 5, then this afternoon there were two complete rows of lettuce!! I could literally watch them grow!
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Anonymous said...

So awesome! I'm so excited for you guys. We've done a garden the last few years and they have NOT been that successful. I'm going to convince Wes to try this square foot gardening idea. Thanks for the info.!

Alesa Larsen said...

It looks great. I am excited for you.