Monday, October 13, 2008

Quirks? I'm totally normal!

I (Holly) have been tagged! Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you...Alesa(my sister, she's private)
2. Post these rules.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.

I don't really think that I have quirks, because I'm practically perfect in every way. :) I guess I'll have to REALLY stretch to think of some.

1. I hate appliances on my kitchen counter. I hate anything on my kitchen counter. I have my microwave in a cupboard above my fridge that EVERYONE thinks is a ridiculous spot, but I don't care, because it's the only spot off my counter that it fits.

2. I hate the word "moist." I think it's the worst word in the English language. I hate the way it sounds and the motion that your mouth has to make to say the word. It's like nails on a chalk board to me!! YUCK! I shudder just thinking about it.

3. I hate Bella leaving the house without a bow on her head. I suppose this will probably translate to her leaving the house with messy hair. I don't like kids leaving the house with messy hair. I don't care about my hair, but kids with messy hair just look dirty.

4. I have a little OCD and ADD together. I will start a new hobby/project/interest and I get OBSESSED with it. I love the research and learning about whatever the latest interest is. After I've learned everything I care to know, I get bored and move onto the next thing. Right now it's coupons, before that breastfeeding, than pregnancy and birth, salt water fish, dogs, snakes, oh gardening was in there somewhere.

5. I count everything. When I was younger, my two best friends and I would have a 3-way call, they would talk and I would sit and count my change, or whatever else I had. I still do. I count everything.

6. I'm not a very creative person. That side of my brain got left out as my mom used to say, "When God said brain, you thought He said train and you missed yours." I at least missed that part! Except, I've really started to like digital scrapbooking. It's the only creative thing I can somewhat do.

I tag: Stephanie (my sister), Stefanie "Mormon", Heather, Alyson, Celeste, Taeya

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey- as a mother of two girls (that had a full head of hair at birth), bows are VERY important! You can't always control of the baby spits up or has a blow out in public, but you can always make their hair look cute :).