I don't know how many of you know, but I've been slowly turning into a San Francisco fruit and nut! Everyday I'm becoming more of a tree hugger, alternative-medicine, crazy person. In addition to doing cork floors and a low-flow toilet in my bathroom, I drive a hybrid and am even a tiny bit considering using cloth diapers, or at the very least Seventh Generation chlorine-free diapers. I've also been looking at different baby food products and I found something others might be interested in.
Here's a great company that sales organic baby food:
Maddy's Organic Meals
Check them out!
Christmas Tree
10 years ago
You are a bit "nutty"!! :) Ypu couldn't pay me enough to use clth diapers. Phillip was wondering what kind of hybrid do you drive.
Sorry about the typos! I was being a sloppy typer.
You are a fruit and nut! Listen to the people who have kids - DON'T USE CLOTH DIAPERS!!!!!! BTW, just make your own baby food- so easy, especially with your handy dandy blender and it is SO cheap!
Hey you can't read your links on your blog. how can I stalk if I can't read them. Listen to your sis, and make your own. What good is a cool blender ifyou don't use it.
I used cloth diapers on all three of my kids. I had a service. Now just think 20 years later and all those diapers aren't still in the landfields from my kids..haha. Well.. just a few are when we traveled I used disposable diapers and that was the only time my kids got rashes. I also used the organics baby food and made my own..yes..I am a bit crazy and a tree hugger probably from living in California all my life ;) Then again remember... you have to do what works for you. Kids do make you crazy you know ;P
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