Sunday, September 30, 2007

So tired!

I am so tired today! It was a great week. Very busy, lots on my mind, so I haven't been sleeping very well. Today I just want to sleep. I do not feeling like that. I think that it has to do with being back on my diet. It is hard for me to go through all that "detox."

I went to a chiropractor on Friday. He isn't a normal chiropractor, he does more of a holistic approach. He works to make your whole body work together in unison. He told me my gallbladder is "clogged." It was interesting, because he knew things about me based on muscle testing that there was no way he would have known those things. Like, he knew I had open heart surgery and he knew that I was left handed and that I had TMJ problems. It was very bizarre. My naturopath that put me on this diet told me that every month the different vitamins that I take push the toxins through my body. She had told me that this month we were working on my gallbladder. So for him to know that was just STRANGE!

The good news? I lost 4 lbs this week! I'm not doing this diet to lose weight, but it's a great side benefit!

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