Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Body After Baby Week 3

Body after Baby challenge was an easy one for me this week. I was on vacation almost the full week so we walked, and walked, and walked. I earned the full 28 points allowed.

This week's challenge is to eat healthy meals with at least two different food groups. I'm not sure if she means food groups or vegetables though. I'm assuming it's veggies, because food groups is kinda easy, is there a meal that's only one food group?? The veggies is healthier too.

I'm down 5 lbs. so far! Weigh in day is tomorrow again, hopefully I lost at least a pound, despite being on vacation!


Brassy said...

I was kind of confused on the "two food groups" = "healthy meal" thing too. But she said soup doesn't count, but if you add a vegetable it does. Of course, soup isn't a food group either.

Still head scratching a little, but I'm guessing the most important point is to make a healthier food choice, and to have a variety of good-for-you foods in those meals.

Anyways, good luck! 5 pounds is awesome! You must be working really hard and staying focused. :D

Unknown said...

WOW! Five pounds is great. Way to stick with it!

I too am a little confused by the "healthy" meals. But I guess it is all about making healthy choices.

Have a great week. God's blessings on you and your family this week.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Holly!! Way to go!! 5 lbs, that's awesome!!

whitney said...

yay! yay! for getting healthier and losing 5 lbs. 5 lbs is A LOT! Especially when you're 5' am I. That's like an entire pant size practically :P

Ashley said...

Way to go! You are so disciplined. Mostly I can't believe you are drinking only one coke a day. I can't even do that when I'm pregnant. I sort of took a vacation from blogging for a couple weeks and am just catching up and saw your post about meeting a "celebrity" blogger! How embarrassing! I am so not, but thanks for the nice shout out. It was really fun to meet you in real life too--I need to get back to Fremont soon and walk with you girls (do you still do that?) and see Stef's little guy!