Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

I wasn't feeling the Halloween spirit this year. I think it's because I'm working a lot and have NO energy left over at the end of the day. We just got down the Halloween decorations yesterday (the day before). We went to the church Trunk or Treat on Saturday night. I dressed up as Cruella, Frank was a rodeo clown and Bella was a devil. It was a lot of fun they had a bouncy house and a "fishing" pond for the kids. Bella was great at the trick or treating and made sure to say it the loudest at every car and said Thank you as well.

Tonight when we got ready to go T or T she said, "I wanna go fishing" so funny!
This was the only picture we got of her and she was mad that I made her put the hat on because she was hot.

We went to three houses before she was tired we hit our next door neighbors and then came home and she answered the door - she loved it!


Anonymous said...

What cute little devil she is. Sounds Bella had a fun Halloween. Here's to getting more energy and feeling better!!

Alabama Apples said...

What a little doll!! We weren't into the feel of it either (too much home improvement). No decorations

Hope you find your energy!! :)

whitney said...

Love the pic...especially because she was grumpy. Ezra was a devil when he was Bella's age and I thought it was hilarious that in all of his halloween pictures he's throwing a fit!

Terrill and Emily said...

She is sooo cute!! Did she just love getting all the candy this year? Miss ya!