Thursday, January 7, 2010

19 months

I took Bella in for her 18 month check up - 6 weeks late. She didn't want to get on the scale - can't say I blame her - so I had to stand on it with her. AUGH!

She was such a good girl for the shots she only whined didn't even cry and a sticker with "Beaws" on it made it all better.

She's 34" and 24 lbs. 95th percentile for height and 50th for weight. She's built like her momma. Isn't it at 18 months they say you can double the baby's height and that's how tall they will be? If so, she will be a perfect 5'8" :) JUST LIKE ME!


Alabama Apples said...

She is growing like a weed! My beasties are all short, like me. :)

whitney said...

What a big, healthy girl! Nothin' wrong with being a tall, glass of water (says the girl whose 5'2 :P)

boo! for having to get weighed yourself, though.

Anonymous said...

Wow she is getting so big!! I didn't know about the formula for predicting a baby's height. Very neat. She'll be tall and beautiful just like her momma. :)

Chantel said...

I had to laugh at your comment on my blog :) I was reading Mike Doxstader's blog. Do you know him? He was a year younger than us. His wife is in AMAZING shape and is all about being fit. If only :)

Andrea said...

I just made the pattern up for those dresses, but I know you can google it, and find them online. They really are so simple.

Your little one is adorable.