Thursday, January 21, 2010


I hate change - that is all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

19 months

I took Bella in for her 18 month check up - 6 weeks late. She didn't want to get on the scale - can't say I blame her - so I had to stand on it with her. AUGH!

She was such a good girl for the shots she only whined didn't even cry and a sticker with "Beaws" on it made it all better.

She's 34" and 24 lbs. 95th percentile for height and 50th for weight. She's built like her momma. Isn't it at 18 months they say you can double the baby's height and that's how tall they will be? If so, she will be a perfect 5'8" :) JUST LIKE ME!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Children's Museum

In November Frank and I took Bella to the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. It's a GREAT place for kids under 10! They can run around and play with all sorts of stuff. Bella's too little for most of it, but she still loves it.

She LOVES the water tables and doesn't mind getting wet - at all!

You have to take a change of clothes because she gets SOAKED! I love her face in this picture.

the last 4 months

I finally got around to taking the pictures from the last 4 months off of my camera so I picked a few pictures to show you.

Bella was a princess for Halloween. I love this picture - she's so happy despite standing next to that big skeleton. That was on our porch all of October. Every time she saw it she would growl at it.

One day she was being much too quiet. I should have known she was into something. I went into her room and she had found a tube of my lipstick and had it ALL over her hands and face!

Bella is getting very good at feeding herself and always insists on having a "poon" She can't pick up much food with it, but she will put the food on the spoon and then pick it up with her fingers and eat it.

Bella loves to lick the beaters after I make cookies. This was probably post nap - hence the hair.

This picture makes me laugh - Bandit is so good with her and lets her crawl all over him, but the fact that she is lounging out with her pacifier is funny. She never has used a pacifier and I'm not sure where she found this one!
She loves to sit on or in anything she can find. This basket usually holds her toys, she found a better purpose for it.
Frank was asked to be the cub scout assistant while he was laid off. He was quite cute in his uniform.
Random picture of Bella and I from August